by Lottie | Lottie's Story
Recently I chatted with Eileen from the Woo Curious Podcast. Eileen and I have been connected on Instagram for a while now, both through @the.woocurious.podcast and @iameileenmarch – she’s attended Firewalks with one of my past students, Nadine, and been...
by Lottie | working with the land
Huath – learning from the hawthorn blossom The Blossoming Season With the Spring comes the blossoming of the Hawthorn and as I continue my journey with hawthorn this year, I’ve noticed a greater expansion of my heart space. This sacred plant, known for its...
by Lottie | working with the land
My First Encounter With Hawthorn Is This Weird? It feels a bit weird to be writing about my first experience with Hawthorn! Hawthorn is a prolific, native plant which I probably walk past multiple times a day. In the UK and Ireland Hawthorn is found almost anywhere...
by Lottie | Spiritual Awakening
Over the years, I’ve seen a recurring pattern: people experiencing a healing crisis after attending intense weekend retreats. These retreats often offer numerous healing modalities, rituals, and ceremonies packed into a short time. While the intention behind...
by Lottie | Lottie's Story
Over the past few months, I’ve been spending a lot of time with the dead. This probably sounds strange (it does to my rational brain), but I feel like I’ve been in mentorship with the bones and the land they nourish. This journey has brought many moments of...
by Lottie | Lottie's Story
Lately, peacocks have been showing up everywhere for me – even white ones, which I didn’t know existed until a month ago. This frequent appearance of peacocks has sparked my curiosity. Peacocks are rich in symbolism, often representing beauty, renewal, and...