by Lottie | Lottie's Story
Recently I chatted with Eileen from the Woo Curious Podcast. Eileen and I have been connected on Instagram for a while now, both through @the.woocurious.podcast and @iameileenmarch – she’s attended Firewalks with one of my past students, Nadine, and been...
by Lottie | Lottie's Story
Over the past few months, I’ve been spending a lot of time with the dead. This probably sounds strange (it does to my rational brain), but I feel like I’ve been in mentorship with the bones and the land they nourish. This journey has brought many moments of...
by Lottie | Lottie's Story
Lately, peacocks have been showing up everywhere for me – even white ones, which I didn’t know existed until a month ago. This frequent appearance of peacocks has sparked my curiosity. Peacocks are rich in symbolism, often representing beauty, renewal, and...
by Lottie | Lottie's Story
On my last day in Castlebar, I wandered into a local bookstore. Given my love for books, it was no surprise that I struck up a conversation with the woman working there. We delved into a discussion about Irish texts, eventually landing on Manchán Magan’s works....
by Lottie | Lottie's Story
Running my trainings and retreats in Ireland is a wonderful treat for me, that draws me deep into connection with my ancestral land. As well as my qualifications as Firewalk instructor Trainer, Sweat Lodge Keeper, and advanced Shamanic Practitioner, one of the key...