I’ve Never Firewalked – Can I Train As An Instructor? Whenever someone is thinking of coming to train with me as a Firewalk Instructor I like to have a quick chat with them on the phone – a chance to connect, ask questions, and see if we’re a good fit together. One...
What Should I Bring To A Firewalk? I get asked this question all. the. time. Really, all the time. But the reality is the answer I give rarely satisfies the curious questioner. You see, you don’t really need to bring anything. To find out more about my answer you can...
Will Firewalking Burn My Feet? When it comes to my work there are two questions that I get asked most frequently. One is ‘what do you wear in a sweat lodge?’ and the second is ‘will firewalking burn my feet?’. So, I guess it’s about time I addressed the issue of...
We were invited by Hilary Spenceley from Shakti Tantra to provide a Firewalk for everyone taking part in their Tantra training/retreat in Cornwall. Shakti Tantra is one of the leading Tantra organisations in the UK, and they wanted to provide a Firewalk for the people...
Firewalking has been a BIG part of my life for around 10 years now, and to be honest I think it was always there waiting for me to find it – I cannot imagine (and find it hard to recall) life without hot coals! Firewalking has brought so much richness and...