


here are 5 rituals you might like to practice during your spiritual awakening

If you’re experiencing a Spiritual Awakening, whether it’s quite a new thing or you’ve been in the process for a few years, having routines and rituals in place to support you in a great idea.

Here are my 5 favourites that I always recommend people try – it might be that you’ll adopt some as a daily practice, or that some just won’t feel great for you at this time.  Let me know in the comments below which ones you try.




Journaling is a great way to support yourself to access hidden thoughts and ideas, as well as track the progress you’ve been making when you reflect back.

You’ll find many journaling prompt resources online, or you can literally just write a page or two freehand and see what comes up for you – this is not writing a diary.  Instead it’s a time to reflect on what’s going on in your world, emotionally, mentally, and physically, as well as question your decisions and choices.

I journal every day, often (but not always) in the morning, but you can find a time that works best for you.

Journaling has been one of the best rituals I’ve used during my Spiritual Awakening – I can’t recommend it enough for you.




light a candle

singing algonquin water song

When it comes to transformation fire is probably the most talked about element, but also the least worked with.

You don’t need to be working with big fires to bring this energy into your life – though as a Firewalk Instructor Trainer I love a big fire! Being intentional about the flame of a candle can work just as well too.

When you light a candle allow yourself time to sit with the flame, and for it’s power of change and regrowth to find you in your Spiritual Awakening.





There are lots of different types of meditation that can be used as ritual during your spiritual awakening.

I find most apps are not great to be honest – they have a focus on relaxation, that is zoning out, whereas true meditation is really about zoning in.

My favourite type of meditation that I’ve worked with during my Spiritual Awakening is Japa Meditation, (Japa means oral yoga) also known as chanting meditation – a great free resource if you’d like to try this is Deva Premal’s 21 Day Mantra Meditation which works with a different chant every day.



get out in nature

singing algonquin water song

 The simplest answer to this is NO, you can’t force the process.

However, by adopting processes and practices that support a Spiritual Awakening, such as daily journaling and meditation, you might just find that you’re actually in the middle of your awakening journey anyway without even initially knowing it.

Try not to force it – focus on the living of a conscious life, rather than on the actual awakening.  It will come, and sometimes you won’t even realise until you’ve been through it.





I’ve saved the best til last – being thankful is one of the most profound ways you can enhance your Spiritual Awakening process.

The great news is that you can bring this in as part of almost all the other practices, whether that be journaling, meditating on what you’re thankful for, connecting with it out in nature and so on…. The key is to express REAL gratitude.  It has to be things you actually feel grateful for.

People, places, experiences, learning, what are you really thankful for? The more you practice gratitude during your Awakening, the more you’ll notice (and receive) things that make your grateful.



what rituals have you found have helped you during your spiritual awakening?

Leave me a comment to let me know.

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